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Mapping the Human Side of Marketing Creates Messages and Programs that Connect.

Writer: Catherine Valyi Catherine Valyi

We all know the age-old adage, people buy from people, but another side of this coin is that people market and sell to people. Therefore, it makes sense to consider messaging in a variety of ways, allowing individuals to receive, digest, and understand how and why what you are sharing matters.

A mish-mosh of marketing tactics, or throwing spaghetti on the wall, is not an effective use of time and resources. The fact is that breaking through the noise is not an easy task. Therefore, understanding how people learn can provide valuable insight. Using a two-step strategic approach is an excellent way to ensure you are mapping your message to all learning approaches.

Step 1 – Understand the Four Primary Ways People Learn:

  1. Cognitive learners prefer the written word and like looking up information to get a better understanding and grasp of the topic.

  2. Tactile learners like using their hands to examine and better connect and understand concepts.

  3. Auditory learners are most comfortable listening to information and benefit from recordings and lectures.

  4. Visual learners are partial to seeing and observing things. Therefore, videos and visually pleasing material make it easy to absorb and learn information.

Now it's time to consider human physiology and its role in supporting the learning processes.

Step 2 – Connect Physiology with Learning Methodology:

The Brain:

Your messaging should be intriguing and accessible. Provide important data and access to details to support research that can be written and reviewed.

The Eyes:

Use bold, colorful images and infographics that can easily be scanned and understood.

The Ears:

Provide opportunities for passive learning and information sharing. Use webinars, podcasts, and speaking engagements to make listening to your message easy and accessible.

The Mouth:

Make your messaging intriguing and worth talking about. YouTube channels and articles should include data and provide ah-ha moments that encourage conversation and information sharing.

The Hands:

Touch is essential, even in the digital age. Provide printable brochures, giveaway items, and other unique ways to connect your message with touch. For example, consider a calculator that allows the user to calculate savings or images with clickable popups to connect and get the answers or provide intriguing solutions.

Adopting the mindset that considers how people learn and how they physically interact with your marketing material will strengthen your communication strategy. In conjunction with meaningful and consistent message points, the two-step (learning and physiology) process will ensure that you will have the right communication tools available to connect with your prospect's particular style no matter how they learn. In addition, the process has a humanizing effect that will work as a reminder that you are ultimately connecting, educating, and selling to help people.



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