Being a caregiver is hard work! Navigating the healthcare component adds an extra layer of stress to an already heavy burden. Here are a few tips and links that will help you manage information access to Protected Health Information (PHI).

As your parents age, and depending on their level of health, start engaging in conversations to get a sense of how you can get access to information to help them navigate the interactions with doctors, tests, and medicines. Start setting the groundwork to getting access to their PHI.
Ask them to identify you as their caregiver by adding your name to their HIPAA authorization form.
Consider a Durable Power of Attorney, but ensure that a notation related to PHI is included.
Go to Your Rights Under HIPAA |, and download and keep a copy of this information. Although everyone in healthcare knows about HIPAA, not everyone interprets it correctly. Having information to share if there is a question is helpful.
Listen to Episode 4 of the Talking About PHI featuring Sue Chamberlain, MSCTE, RHIA, CCS-P, CDIP. We discuss and highlight all you need to know related to PHI and Caregiving. Podcast | CV-SMS (